Friday, May 25, 2018

Ballerinas dress for little girls

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ühe vana nuku uus elu. One old doll's new life. 2.

The first ideas for doll clothes: three dresses.

Fabrics designs collection:

More options to buy this fabric or cutouts or dresses:

Ühe vana nuku uus elu. One old doll's new life.

Leidsin selle nuku vanakraamipoest. Nägu on tal kriim ja juuksed paklas. Aga ise armsake. Otsustasin, et hakkan teda natuke disainima.

I found this doll's second hand store. Shi's face is scarred and the hair is crooked. But with a very nice face and being. I decided to start designing her a bit. I actually got this idea from the American designer Karen Langer-Gault when she designed this dress: red dress.

This dress really liked me very much. It was thought that it would be a beautiful dress for a little doll. I immediately created a collection of designs that would fit together and be in the same style. Collection.

Now I have a few small pieces of interesting materials, fabrics. Here you can create a collection of beautiful clothing.

No kui kangaste imetlemisest isu täis sain, läks nukk vanni. Youtubes on palju videoid, kus nukkude taastamised kõik ilusti reas. Juuksed saab tuustist lahti kammida lisades kanga pehmendajat.

When I was filled with marvel of fabrics, the puppet went to bath. Youtube has a lot of videos for dolls restoration. The hair can be combed by adding a fabric softener.
And trying on the first dress:
