Monday, January 30, 2017
New Swatches from Spoonflower
Saabusid just järgmised näidised Spoonflowerist. Oi, ma olen vaga rahul! Neljaga neist. Neljaga, mis on joonistatud. Viies, vaata pildil see tumeda taustaga värviliste sõrmuste jms, see on ainsana arvuti programmidega kujundatud ja ei näe kangana sugugi nii hea valja kui arvuti ekraanil. Teistega on jälle vastupidi.
Kõige rõõmsam olen ma muidugi selle sinisekirju Türi rahvarõiva kaistel maha joonistatud mustriga. No see on ikka vaga ilus. Seda kangast tuleb juurde tellida ja midagi tõsiselt lahedat teha.
Ok, ma omblema nyyd.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Happy Birthday Cards with Machine Embroidery
Cards are always needed. Birthdays, anniversaries, and just like that.
I tried the patchwork style.
It's pretty simple. Looking for a beautiful piece of cloth for background and small pieces of colored cloth. Make a picture of them.Sew with machine a few times back and forth over the image and glue it on cardboard. And the beautiful card is ready!
If you do not want to do like that, please, come to my Etsy-shop Link) ;) and buy.
And do not forget the discount coupon: LILLEPEENAR
Then it is 20% cheaper.
And other style. Ribbon embroidery, stiching and pearls and stickers.
Crazy quilt,
greetings cards,
väikesed lapitööd /small quilts
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
I'm so happy with this rug!
I finished a new rug. It is hand-woven on looms. 120 cm wide and 190 cm long. In my view, quite beautiful. This is the nice size, on living-room floor is a very fancy and extravagant impression.
He is currently on sale in my Etsy-shop.
Oh jahh. Kuidas pildistada roosi. How to take pictures of roses?
Take pictures of objects is difficult for me. I still have a lot of practice.
Here are the photos that I am satisfied. But they also have flaws, mistakes.
muud tehnikad,
praegu müügil /now for sale
Meil tuli yksvahe kange dreamcatcherite vajadus peale. Korraldasime peresisesed talgud. Sai neid tehtud 3 tykki. (palun vabandust, et tepitehti ei kasuta, ma siin seiklen kahe arvuti vahel ja alles opin niimoodi hakkama saama)
Sulgi keisime spetsiaalselt ostmas aga neid lahedaid suuri erinevaid plastmasskulinaid olin juba varem kogunud - vaatasid yhes poes mulle x-hinnaga otsa. Nyyd hea toimetada nendega.
Teine jutt on hullust lapitoost. Mulle meeldib, kui minu fotoalbumitel on sellised ylikylluslikud kaaned - perlitega ja puha. Nad on tegelikult juba ammu tehtud aga nyyd kohendan nad fotoalbumi kaanteks.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Sequent Quilted Home Decor Thing :)
Ouch my Patchwork God!
I've been away so long. Over a long period of time doing patchwork over again. I enjoyed it a lot.
Ma pole nii ammu lapitoid teinud. (Olen arvuti taga, kus ma ei tea, kus tepitehed on. Perast parandan era)
Monus tegelikult. Ei mina tea, mis neis kangastes on aga mulle nad mojuvad kohe hullu moodi. No kohe tahaks need puruks loikuda ja hiljem teistmoodi - omamoodi - kokku panna.
Olen kanga terrorist :)
Need lillemustrid on naiivsevoitu aga lobusad ja soojad. Ja oleks aeg viia see tehnika uuele tasandile. Midagi veel ponevat koos nende taimede ja oitega'
Masintikkimine on mul ammu yks salaunistus olnud. Votame suuna, et aeg on see teoks teha.
From behind it looks like hosta. This is nice. I have long time wanted to make a quilt Hosta.
I made a pillow cover with flower and leaves. And this took place in my shop.
väikesed lapitööd /small quilts
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
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